Sunday, March 18, 2012

Shut Up

How do I view worship? Singing songs? Praying? Being thankful for the things I have? I have learned something about myself this week that makes me love God even more. I by nature love being outside and doing things outdoors like hiking, boating, swimming, climbing, and other such activities, that for me is worship. God made this planet and we get to enjoy it. We get to be in awe of an incredible, unfathomable God each and every time we go into his creation and enjoy it. What I have learned about myself though is that I have lost my awe. For some reason I couldn't put two and two together that the feeling I get when I'm outside is the awe of creation. I never put the awe with God the creator. This weekend however, I recalibrated my awe factor back towards God and I think my love for God just doubled. Knowing that God loved me so much that he sent his Son to die for me blows my mind by itself, but knowing that despite my sinful self God has the grace to give me the outdoors as my way to worship Him is too much. Most days I feel like I need to worship, or that I need to pray, but it seems empty a lot of times because those are things that I need to do. I went outdoors and just shut up and all of a sudden God blows my mind with his love for me. Who knew that when the Bible says something like "Be still and know that I am God", it actually meant do it. It's mind blowing what happens when you actually apply the Bible. More Christians should try it. Having worshiped God like that though makes me want to talk to God more and sing to him more. I want to tell people about my God that saved me and then gave me an abundant life. I think a lot of Christians need to shut up and go get their awe factor back on God because the truth is we can let our day to day lives become drudgery. When we get our fear of God back by realizing how big he is our everyday troubles don't seem so large. He carried all of our burdens on the cross and paid the price for our ransom. He is in control. All we have to do is what he says and it's all good. The hardest part of following God is dying to self, doing the the things he wants you to do and not doing the things you want to do. God knows better. Follow God.