Wednesday, February 22, 2012

You Won't Relent

You won't relent until You, have it all
My heart is Yours
You won't relent until You, have it all
My heart is Yours

I'll set you has a seal upon my heart
As a seal upon my arm
For there is love that is as strong as death
Jealousy demanding as the grave
And many waters cannot quench this love

Come be the fire inside of me
Come be the flame upon my heart
Come be the fire inside of me
Until You and I are one.

I don't want to talk about You
Like You're not in the room
I want to look right at You
I want to sing right to You

These are the lyrics to one of my favorite songs by Jesus Culture. This past week I have really seen my need for God because I am such a depraved person. Jesus Christ gave me a new nature, however, my old nature likes to creep its head and displace Jesus from the throne of my life. Each and every day I have to make a choice to follow God. I made a decision to surrender my will for that of God's will and asked Him to save me from my sin. Just because I made that decision, however, doesn't mean that I'm all set for the rest of my life. There is a struggle in me between my new and old nature. When I surrendered it began a slow and painful process to a Christlike transformation. The Devil tries everyday to kill my desire for that likeness. As I said, each and every day I have to make a decision to follow God, and that decision starts when my eyes open that morning. As soon as my eyes open the Devil is already on me to pursue worldliness. Apart from Jesus Christ I cannot even get out of my bed and pray to God because apart from Jesus Christ my nature is that of evil. Apart from Jesus Christ I will never pursue Godliness. Apart from Jesus Christ I will never surrender self. Apart from Jesus Christ I cannot commune with my God. Apart from Jesus Christ I am an adulterer, a murderer, a thief, an idol worshiper, and a liar. The truth is, it is easy to be apart from Christ. It is easy to fall in to sin time and time again because sin is attractive, and it's hard to crawl onto an altar and be a living sacrifice. All I can do is ask God to change me. As the song says, He won't relent until He has it all. He will come be the fire inside of me and the flame in my heart. Many waters cannot quench his love for me.

The godly may trip seven times, but they will get up again.
      But one disaster is enough to overthrow the wicked.
Proverbs 24:16

I may turn away from my God like an adulterous wife, but his kindness will lead me to repentance. He will let me know I have sinned and He will convict me of it, and I will return to Him. I can never out sin God's forgiveness. As I grow closer to God in my relationship to Him my love for Him will grow as will my dependence. He won't relent until He has it all and I won't relent until I give it all. It will take my life, but that's what I told Jesus He could have.

1) I put gods before Him everyday
2) I have possessions that are more important to me that Him.
3) I take his name in vain when I take his name on my life and don't live like He told me to.
4) I don't keep the sabbath day holy because I make it about me.
5) I don't honor my Father in heaven because I don't heed his teaching.
6) I murdered Jesus on the cross with my sin.
7) I commit adultery against God every time I choose my own way and not His.
8) I steal glory from God by taking credit for what only He could do.
9) I lie to my neighbors with my life because I claim to be a Christian but disobey the commandments I claim to live by.
10) I'm dissatisfied with what God gave me when I see the blessings of others and wish I had what they have instead of being pleased with what God has blessed me with.

Jesus is the rock in the desert and I am Moses. God told me to speak to the rock but I was angry and I struck him instead. Not only did he give me the water that I needed, but unlike Moses, Jesus gave me a way into the promised land. In every way possible I have spurned Jesus, but he pursues me still. His grace and his mercy are new every day. The wonderful thing about it is that I deserve hell, everything else is a gift. Because of all these things I will give praise to God. I will seek his face and his likeness. When I fall I will get back up again, because he won't relent until he has it all.

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